
Reducing Anxiety & Stress with CBD, Adaptogens and Nervines

Posted by Cheryl Cryer on Apr 14th 2024

Reducing Anxiety & Stress with CBD, Adaptogens and Nervines

Stress affects about one third of Americans daily and more than 75% of us feel completely stressed out at least a few times a year. Can you relate? Stress can lead to many health issues such as high blood pressure, insomnia, heart disease, … read more
CBD for Neuroplasticity in Trauma Recovery

Posted by Cheryl Cryer on Jun 16th 2023

CBD for Neuroplasticity in Trauma Recovery

Trauma recovery is a complex journey that often requires addressing the impacts of traumatic experiences on the brain and nervous system. In recent years, CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol) have gained attention for their p … read more
Say NO to Delta 8

Posted by Cheryl Cryer on May 23rd 2022

Say NO to Delta 8

A super hot topic right now is Delta-8 THC. Have you tried it? It's everywhere and it's legal. No need for a medical card, no need for a dispensary. Walk into just about any liquor store or gas station and you'll find Delta-8 gummies or drops. T … read more
End of Life Pet Care with CBD

Posted by Kerri Connor on May 18th 2022

End of Life Pet Care with CBD

Please enjoy this post by Kerri Connor, author of several books, including the new CBD for Your Health, Mind & Spirit published April 11, 2022 on Llewellyn Worldwide. Copied with permission.Furrina came to me as a feral who escaped the neighbor’s … read more