
Back to Self-Care: Reclaiming Your Wellness Routine

Aug 18th 2024

Back to Self-Care: Reclaiming Your Wellness Routine

As the long, carefree days of Summer give way to the structured routines of Fall, it’s the perfect time to refocus on yourself and reestablish those self-care habits that may have slipped during the summer months. Whether you’ve been juggling su … read more
Traveling with Pets: A Stress Free Journey

Posted by Fat Sam's for Pets on Jul 16th 2024

Traveling with Pets: A Stress Free Journey

Traveling with pets can make wonderful family memories, provide companionship throughout your trip, and so much more. But for many pets, travel can also bring about feelings of stress and anxiety, for their owners too. Ensuring their comfort dur … read more
Featured: Meet Cheryl "CryBaby" Cryer

Posted by Batavia Main Street on May 14th 2024

Featured: Meet Cheryl "CryBaby" Cryer

Thank you Batavia Main Street for the special feature. We are learning a lot about being a storefront in our new location. Can we call it new since we moved this past August? Still feels new!  --- Thank you for the feature from our hom … read more
Vibrant Healthy Hair Therapy: Strength & Growth Oil

Posted by Cheryl Cryer on May 7th 2024

Vibrant Healthy Hair Therapy: Strength & Growth Oil

Let's talk about healthy hair. Healthy, shiny hair serves as a visible indicator of overall well-being, reflecting the balance of nutrition, hormonal harmony and healthy lifestyle habits. Nutrient-rich foods, stress management, hormonal balance, … read more
Reducing Anxiety & Stress with CBD, Adaptogens and Nervines

Posted by Cheryl Cryer on Apr 14th 2024

Reducing Anxiety & Stress with CBD, Adaptogens and Nervines

Stress affects about one third of Americans daily and more than 75% of us feel completely stressed out at least a few times a year. Can you relate? Stress can lead to many health issues such as high blood pressure, insomnia, heart disease, … read more