CBD for Athletes

Jan 6th 2020

CBD for Athletes

    Enhance your fitness program with CBD

      Whether you are a seasoned athlete or someone simply wanting to sprinkle in a bit more activity in your daily routine, many people are looking to natural alternatives to help in their fitness journey.

      Professional and amateur athletes alike (runners, CrossFit lovers, skaters, roller derby players, yoga and Pilates trainers, and more) can benefit from the healing properties of this amazing - zero high - cannabinoid.

      You may already be familiar with CBD’s benefits for anxiety, insomnia and pain. And now, research is suggesting incorporating CBD into your fitness routine can help you perform better, recover faster, and keep you in the game longer.

      CBD for Mental Focus and Performance

      Mental game is one of the most important factors in athletic performance. CBD can help by its ability to decrease anxiety and reduce the brain noise without the high or altered thinking.

      A study published on the National Center for Biotechnology Information, explains that CBD interacts with serotonin receptors in a way that provides therapeutic results for our mind and body:

      “Cannabis triggers a complex set of experiences in humans including euphoria, heightened sensitivity to external experience, and relaxation. The primary noneuphorizing and nonaddictive compound of cannabis, cannabidiol (CBD), has recently been shown to possess considerable therapeutic potential for treating a wide range of disorders such as chronic pain, nausea, epilepsy, psychosis, and anxiety.”

      CBD has considerable potential as a treatment for anxiety

      Many athletes and aspiring fitness buffs, from runners to skaters to yogis, use CBD to help them focus and reduce performance anxiety. They report it helps keep their minds sharp to focus on what really matters at the moment.


      CBD for Muscle Recovery

      Personal trainers and medical professionals advise to eat well, get good sleep, and take rest days in between intense workouts. Progressive healthcare providers are also recommending the anti-inflammatory benefits of CBD.

      In a recent article in U.S. News and World Report, Dr. Alan Beyer, sports medicine doctor and executive medical director of Hoag Orthopedic Institute in California, recommends CBD as a post work-out recovery solution:

        CBD can be an effective way to relieve the inflammation and pain caused by exercise

      Many people add supplements and protein powders to replenish the body and aid in their post workout recovery. But when it comes to fast muscle restoration and fatigue reduction after a rigorous workout, nothing is proving as powerful as CBD and its all natural anti-inflammatory benefits.

      CBD for Pain Relief

      CBD is recommended as a substitute for NSAIDS, opiates, and other liver and kidney damaging pharmaceuticals.

      Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD is a most promising way to help patients naturally recover from exercise related injuries

      How often have we popped a few ibuprofen pre- or post- workout ? But we are learning these other other NSAIDS can have other adverse effects on your body. Seems counterproductive doesn’t it?

      A 2017 study by the Brightfield Group covered 2,400 of HelloMD’s members for a deep dive into its members usage of CBD products and their effectiveness.

      Here's what they found:

      • 42% of CBD users stopped using pharmaceutical medications altogether
      • 80% of CBD users found these products to be a very or extremely effective treatment

      The Best CBD Products for Fitness

      To ensure you are getting the best CBD, look for the US Hemp Authority certification. This program is managed under the Hemp Industries Association, the governing body for hemp growers and processors. This certification is important because it ensures purity and potency as expected. But it also ensure other quality measures are in place such as plain speak in labels and materials.

      We only sell the highest quality, third-party lab tested CBD oils derived from NON-GMO industrial hemp grown with natural farming practices.

      CBD Tincture Oil Products

      Our full spectrum CBD Oil Tincture comes in five (5) strengths, 250mg, 500mg, 1000mg, 2500mg and 5000mg in a 30mg bottle. The 1000mg is our biggest seller to fitness focused consumers. They take it daily or as needed to reduce mental noise and increase focus.

      It is important to choose the potency that works best for you. We suggest you start low and go slow. For example, start with a few drops or a quarter dropperful of the 1000mg and increase as needed.

      Pain Relieving CBD Topical Products

      CryBaby CBD Topical Pain Relief is made with our full spectrum CBD oil and is a favorite among athletes, sports trainers, massage therapists, and fitness enthusiasts alike.


                                              Apply it to the painful area and forget it.

      Made in small batches with our proprietary blend of CBD, Chinese pain liniment, and pure essential oils. Apply as often as needed, works within minutes of applying.

      Our Topical Pain Relief comes in regular and extra strength and in various applicators.

      Many customers prefer the hands-free option of the roller or stick. While some athletes prefer the benefits of hands on skin to massage and work the product into the painful area.

      Restorative CBD Bath Products

      Forget the “shower beer”, instead try a restorative CBD Bath.

      Made with full spectrum CBD, pink Himalayan salt, and pure essential oils. These all natural ingredients work together to ease muscle stiffness and pain, reduce inflammation, and help to restore your body’s mineral composition.

      This will literally wash away the concerns and ailments of your mind and body, and help restore and rebuild from the day’s strenuous activities.

      CBD Bath Soak

      For a full bath, use one full pouch of our pain relieving CBD Bath Soak in a tub of hot water. Submerge your body up to your neck if possible for about 20 minutes. Use half for a foot soak.

      CBD Foot Soak

      Many people experience foot and ankle pain from repetition. Some examples are tendonitis, fasciitis and other pain and inflammation of the foot and ankle. Try adding a half pouch to your foot bath for concentrated relief on feet and ankles.

      Of course, individual results vary and you should always consult with your physician and/or qualified and licensed healthcare provider before starting this or any supplement.