CBD for Addiction Recovery

Posted by Cheryl Cryer on Oct 25th 2021

CBD for Addiction Recovery

Addiction and overdose deaths are at an all-time high due to pandemic stress and complexities around treatment options. The US will top 100,000 deaths this year (compared to 90,000 in 2020 and 70,000 in 2019).

We are helping by raising awareness and calling for your help in supporting your local harm reduction program.

CBD for Addiction Recovery

Studies found CBD (cannabidiol) can help with addiction by reducing anxiety, improving quality of sleep and reducing cravings.

This study conducted clinic trials to test whether CBD could reduce drug craving and anxiety in recently-abstinent individuals with heroin use disorder. The study found that, those who received a placebo, individuals who received a dose of CBD showed a reduction in craving for heroin as well as reduced anxiety, which lasted for about a week after taking CBD.

Recently, we donated ten bottles of our THC-free CBD Oil Drops to be distributed to addicts in need. You can find it here.

Point to Point is our local harm reduction program that offers services to people who use drugs. In a world that stigmatizes and demonizes addiction, they believe that drug users deserve calm, care and comfort through providing safer use supplies, overdose prevention education and tools (such as Narcan and fentanyl testing strips). They teach and encourage self care, compassion and safety.

How can you help? Consider donating time or resources to your local harm reduction program or recovery center. We are all in this together and you can make a big difference in saving someone's life.